Orchard City, Colorado

Some of the retail space in Orchard City
Located on the lush south side of Grand Mesa, Orchard City is a fruit-growing paradise. Farms around Orchard City and nearby Cedaredge are famous for the quality of their apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, and pears. The area is also well known for its organic farm produce and cattle, buffalo, elk, and sheep.
The photo to the left is of the Surface Creek Winery and Gallery, located on the first floor of the International Order of Odd Fellows Hall.
I came through Orchard City in the early afternoon on a Sunday in early September. There was a sign announcing the Orchard City town limit. A bit later there was another sign announcing what I thought was another town. A bit later I saw another sign that I again thought was announcing another town. Then I discovered that these other signs inside the limits of Orchard City were the names of original settlements that later merged into Orchard City. So I kept driving through small neighborhoods, each with its own small commercial center, each part of the larger Orchard City. So I didn't find a real "downtown" anywhere. Maybe I didn't look hard enough. I don't know.

The Firethorn Trading Post in Orchard City

Drost's Chocolates on Main Street

Surface Creek Winery and Art Gallery

Looking west from the highway in Orchard City

Another view west from the highway in Orchard City
Delta County Related Pages
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Hotchkiss National Fish Hatchery