Fountain, Colorado

The Fountain Fire Department
Fountain was founded on a railroad siding as a supply and shipment center for local ranches and farms. The settlement was named for nearby Fountain Creek. Growth was slow at first and the town wasn't incorporated until 1903. However, since Colorado Springs started to mushroom in the 1960s, Fountain (and Security and Widefield) have also mushroomed as residential growth has spilled over the Colorado Springs city limits.
Back in 1888 there was a legendary train wreck in Fountain that killed at least three people, none of whom were on either the freight train or the passenger train that were involved in the wreck. The story is a couple of vagrants on board the freight train had killed another vagrant on the train and to dispose of the body, they disconnected the rail car the body was in and let it run freely down the tracks, back down the hill to where it collided with the passenger train that was coming up the hill. The big problem was the rail car was also attached to three rail cars filled with explosive naptha and a caboose... The conductor on the passenger train saw it coming and warned the passengers to get off. 30 did and had no problems, 28 were injured in the crash. The explosion leveled a nearby church and a grocery store and left a crater in the ground forty feet in diameter and fifteen feet deep. The city holds an event every July at Fountain City Hall Plaza to commemorate "The Blast."
Fountain has more than doubled in population since 2000.

In the older part of Fountain
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