Deep Creek North Wilderness

Deep Creek and Deep Creek North Wilderness would have been one wilderness except for that road corridor that runs between them east-to-west (or vice versa).
Deep Creek North Wilderness contains some 4,478 acres that vary in elevation from about 6,200' to 6,800'. That means the area is vegetated heavily with Utah juniper, pinyon and Ponderosa pine with an understory of mountain mahogany and various shrubs. For mammals you'll probably find mule deer, elk, black bear, bobcat, ringtailed cat, marmot, badger and mountain lion. Among the birds are raptors, screech owl, chukar partridge, wild turkey and the threatened Mexican spotted owl.
Deep Creek North Wilderness has several well-defined drainages, Big Oak Wash, Deep Creek and Crystal Creek among them. Just outside the boundaries (on private land) are several natural springs.
Access to the area is via dirt roads heading east over Kolob Terrace from Kolob Reservoir Scenic Road across private property: you might want to get permission first. Otherwise, you can make the hike north out of Zion Wilderness along Deep Creek Canyon.

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