Lakeside, Colorado

Lakeside came into existence when Adolf Zang was planning to build the Lakeside Amusement Park outisde the jurisdiction of the City and County of Denver, primarily to escape the big city's liquor laws. So the town is built on Lake Rhoda and the lake actually covers about 20% of the town's area. The amusement park was opened about a year after the town was incorporated. On the south side of the lake the Lakeside Mall was built (in 1956). Then the mall was razed in 2010. The lake, the amusement park and the remains of the mall occupy almost all of the town area, there are only a few residences located on the west side of Sheridan Boulevard with Denver right across the street.

Lakeside is the least populous incorporated municipality in Colorado and the population has dropped about 60% since 2000 (which in this case means about 10 people left town). Postal Service has been combined with Denver.