Johnson (Gordy's) Hill Recreation Area

The Johnson (Gordy's) Hill Recreation Area overlooks the Rio Grande Valley and Bosque in a scenic area east of the Rio Grande. The Gordy's Hill area includes high limestone and sandstone bluffs, terraces, escarpments, and deep canyons. The higher ridges give you views to the west over the Rio Grande Valley. The Quebradas Back Country Byway crosses the area from east/west and then turns and crosses the southern part of the property.
Primitive camping, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding and backpacking are allowed here, but the BLM is presently analyzing and updating its management plan for this area of New Mexico and certain allowed activities may change (particularly the mechanized vehicle stuff). You may want to check with them before you head out.
To get to the Johnson (Gordy's) Hill Recreation Area: Take exit 152 off the I-25 and go north on the east frontage road to Escondido Lake. Then turn east and cross the Rio Grande to Pueblito. At the T intersection, go north (left) onto Johnson Hill County Road. Continue north and east for about 1 mile, then continue east up the arroyo road to the sand hill staging area. There are no facilities, the nearest water and restrooms are in Socorro. The Recreation Area is open year round and there are no fees involved.
Maps: BLM - Socorro

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