Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest

Down a trail in Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
At 3.32 million acres, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is the largest National Forest in Montana. There are Forest Service offices in Butte, Philipsburg, Dillon, Whitehall, Boulder, Ennis, Deer Lodge, Wise River, Sheridan, and Wisdom. The Lee Metcalf and Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness Areas are located here. In season, there is excellent downhill skiing available near Anaconda at Discovery and near Dillon at Maverick Mountain. There are quite a few cross-country ski trails available, too, in season.
The Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests were designated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. They were administratively merged in 1996. In the original declaration, the Deerlodge was then called the Big Hole Forest Reserve. Roosevelt primarily set the land aside to stop the Anaconda Copper Mining Company from clear-cutting the entire upper Big Hole River watershed. Between the smoke pollution from Anaconda's smelter and the horrific erosion resulting from Anaconda's logging operations, that whole area of Montana was quickly being destroyed.
Lewis & Clark crossed this region of mountains and forest in 1805 and worked their way to the top of Lemhi Pass (7,323'). From there they caught their first glimpse of the Columbia River watershed. In crossing that pass they crossed what was then the western boundary of the United States. In descending the other side, though, they came to the Salmon River in some nasty, torturous countryside and quickly realized this was not the way west for them.
About 2/3 of the forest lands are actually treed, with Ponderosa pine, juniper, and several species of spruce and fir predominant. The rangeland areas that make up 1/3 of the forest are a mix of native grasses, sagebrush and various cold-tolerant cactus. Elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, moose, black bear and pronghorns are found almost everywhere but the lynx, grizzly bear, gray wolf, bald eagle and Arctic grayling are a bit more reclusive.

Comet and Saddleback Mountains
The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail and the Nez Perce Historic Trail both pass through the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. Elkhorn, Coolidge and Granite, three ghost towns from Montana's boom and bust mining history also still stand in the woods out here. The Forest offers a lot of great scenery, many good fishing lakes and 50-some small-to-medium size campgrounds. There's also more than 1,500 miles of trails in the woods, many of them reaching the summits of the highest mountains in the area, just above 11,000'.

Torey Mountain

South Meadow Lake

The Montana side of Lemhi Pass
The following list has not been updated to reflect any of the damage that may have occurred in the forest over the last 10 years due to wildfires.
Dillon Area
Dinner Station Campground & Picnic Area, elevation: 7,200', Mid May - Mid Sept, 8 sites, max-length: 16'. 12 miles north of Dillon on Interstate 15, take Apex exit, travel 11.5 miles west on Birch Creek Road.
East Creek Campground, elevation: 7,000', Mid May - Sept, 4 sites, max-length: 16'. 48 miles south of Dillon on Interstate 15 to Lima, then drive north .8 miles on Frontage Road, drive west 7 miles on Forest Road 179, drive south .5 miles on Forest Road 3929, drive southeast 1.5 miles on Forest Road 3930.
Grasshopper Campground & Picnic Area, elevation: 6,900', June - Mid Sept, 24 sites, max-length: 30'. 3 miles south of Dillon on Interstate 15, take Highway 278 exit, drive west on Highway 278 for 22 miles, take Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway Road 73 north for 13 miles.
Price Creek Campground: June - Sept, 28 sites, max-length: 30'. 3 miles south of Dillon on Interstate 15, take Highway 278 exit, drive west on Highway 278 for 22 miles, take Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway Road 73 north for 16 miles. Take Forest Road 2406 for .25 miles.
Reservoir Lake Campground & Picnic Area, elevation: 7,000', June - Mid Sept, 16 sites, max-length: 16'. 19 miles south of Dillon on Interstate 15, take Highway 324 west 17 miles, take Forest Road 181 for 18 miles.
Wise River Area
Boulder Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,400', Mid June - Sept, 13 sites, max-length: 30', 13 miles south of Wise River on Road 73, the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway.
Canyon Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 7,300', Mid June - Mid Sept, 3 sites, max-length: 18', Go 13 miles west from Melrose on Forest Road 187, then southeast 4.5 miles on Forest Road 7401.
Fourth of July Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,400', Mid June - Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 30', 12 miles south of Wise River on Road 73, the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway.
Little Joe Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,800', Mid June - Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 28', 21 miles south of Wise River on the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway, Road 73.
Lodgepole Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,400', Mid June - Sept, 10 sites, max-length: 30', 13 miles south of Wise River on the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway, Road 73.
Mono Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 7,000', Mid June - Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 18', 22 miles south of Wise River on Road 73, the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway, take Forest Road 2465 southeast 1 mile.
Pettengill Campground: elevation: 6,250', Mid June - Sept, 3sites, max-,ength: 24', On Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway, Road 73, 10 miles south of Wise River.
Pintler Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,300', Mid June - Mid Sept, 2 sites, max-length: 18', 30 miles west of Wise River on Highway 43, turn onto Forest Road 185 and go north 12 more miles.
Seymour Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,700', Mid June - Sept, 17 sites, max-length: 18', 11 miles west of Wise River on Highway 43, turn and go north on Forest Road 274 for 4 miles, then go northwest on Forest Road 934 for 8 miles.
Willow Campground: elevation: 6,600', Mid June - Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 26', On Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway Road 14 miles south of Wise River.
Wisdom Area
May Creek Campground: elevation: 6,300', Early July - Labor Day, 21 sites, max-length: 30', On Highway 43, 17 miles west of Wisdom.
Miner Lake Campground: elevation: 7,000', Early July - Labor Day, 18 sites, max-length: 20', 0.5 miles south of Jackson on Highway 278, go west on County Road 182 for 6.75 miles, then go west another 3.25 miles on Forest Road 182.
Mussigbrod Campground: elevation: 6,500', Early July - Labor Day, 10 sites, max-length: 30', 1 mile west of Wisdom on Highway 43, turn and follow Lower North Fork Road north for 7.5 miles, then take Forest Road 573 for 10 miles.
North Van Houten Campground: elevation: 6,700', Memorial Day - Labor Day, 3 sites, max-length: 20', 1.5 miles south of Jackson on Highway 278, turn and take Forest Road 181 for 10.5 miles.
South Van Houten Campground: elevation: 6,700', Memorial Day - Labor Day, 3 sites, max-length: 30', 1.5 miles south of Jackson on Highway 278, turn and take Forest Road 181 for 10.5 miles.
Steel Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,200', Early July - Labor Day, 9 sites, max-length: 22', 0.25 miles north of Wisdom. Then follow Steel Creek Road for 9 miles.
Twin Lakes Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 7,200', Early July - Labor Day, 21 sites, max-length: 25', Go 7 miles south of Wisdom on Highway 278. Turn onto Briston Lane Road and go 7 miles. Then take Forest Road 945 for 5 miles and then take Forest Road 183 for another 5 miles.
Ennis/Sheridan Area
Balanced Rock Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 7,320', Memorial Day - Late Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 32', 10 miles east of Sheridan on the Mill Creek Road. Road not recommended for trailers.
Bear Creek Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,350', Early June - Late Nov, 12 sites, max-length: 28', 10 miles south of Ennis on Highway 287, turn onto Bear Creek Road and go east 10 miles.
Branham Lakes Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 8,800', Early July - Late Sept, 6 sites, On Mill Creek Road, 13 miles east of Sheridan. Road not recommended for trailers.
Cliff Point Campground: elevation: 6,400', Late May - Mid Sept, 6 sites, max-length: 16', On Highway 287, 37 miles south of Ennis take Forest Road 241 west for 5 miles.
Clover Meadows Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 8,430', Early July - Late Sept, 1 site, 1.5 miles southwest of Ennis on Highway 287. Take Varney Road south 10 mile. Then take Call Road 292 southwest for 12 miles, then take the Gravelly Range Road south for another 8 miles.
Cottonwood Campground: elevation: 6,360', Late May - Late Nov, 10 sites, max-length: 28', Go 8 miles south of Sheridan on Highway 287. At Alder, take Ruby Reservoir Road south for 36 miles.
Eagles Nest Fishing Access: elevation: 6,000', Late May - Mid Oct, On Highway 287, 34 miles south of Ennis.
Elk Lake Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,400', Mid May - Mid Oct, 2 sites, On Red Rock Lake National Wildlife Refuge Road 50 miles east of Monida (23 miles west of Henry's Lake, Idaho via Red Rock Pass.)
Hilltop Campground: elevation: 6,800', Late May - Mid Sept, 18 sites, max-length: 22', 37 miles south of Ennis on Highway 287, turn and take Forest Road 241 west for 5 miles.
Madison Campground: elevation: 6,000', Late May - Mid Oct, 10 sites, max-length: 30', On Highway 287, 34 miles south of Ennis.
Mill Creek Campground: elevation: 6,480', Late May - Late Sept, 10 sites, max-length: 22', On the Mill Creek Road, 7 miles east of Sheridan.
Potosi Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,200', Late May - Mid Sept, 15 sites, max-length: 22', 7 miles west of Harrison on Pony Road, at Pony turn onto South Willow Creek Road and go south for 10 miles.
Riverview Campground: elevation: 6,000', Late May - Mid Oct, 24 sites, max-length: 30', On Highway 287, 34 miles south of Ennis.
West Fork Madison Campground: elevation: 6,000', Late May - Mid Sept, 7 sites, 34 miles south of Ennis on 287 (9 miles west of the Madison River Canyon Earthquake slide.)
Wade Lake Campground & Picnic Area: elevation: 6,400', Early June - Labor Day, 30 sites, max-length: 30', 37 miles south of Ennis on Highway 287, then go west on Forest Road 241 for 5 miles.
Butte Area
Beaver Dam Campground & Picnic Area: Memorial Day - Labor Day, 15 sites, max-length: 50', 17 miles south of Butte off Interstate 15. Take Feeley exit, go west 6 miles on Divide Creek Road.
Ladysmith Campground: Late June - Mid Sept, 6 sites
Lowland Campground & Picnic Area : Late June - Mid Sept, 11 sites, max-length: 22', Off Interstate 15, 8 miles north of Butte. Take Elk Park exit, drive west 6 miles on Forest Road 442, turn left on Forest Road 9485 for 1.5 miles. Call Butte Ranger District to reserve the area.
Mormon Creek Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Mid Sept, 16 sites, max-length: 16', Off Interstate 15, 20 miles north of Butte. Get off on the Bernice exit, drive west 2 miles on Forest Road 82.
Sheepshead Recreation Area: Mid June - Labor Day, 8 miles north of Butte off Interstate 15. Take the Bernice exit and drive 8 miles on Forest Road 442. Call Butte Ranger District to reserve the area.
Whitehouse Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Early Dec, 5 sites, max-length: 22', Off Interstate 15, 20 miles north of Butte. Take the Bernice exit and then go west 13 miles on Forest Road 82. Call Jefferson Ranger District to reserve the area.
Deer Lodge/Anaconda Area
Orofino Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Mid Sept, 10 sites, max-length: 22', On Forest Road 82, 13 miles southeast of Deer Lodge. Call Pintler Ranger District (Deer Lodge Office) to reserve the Pavilion.
Racetrack Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Mid Sept, 13 sites, max-length: 22', 11 miles south of Deer Lodge off Interstate 90. Take Racetrack exit and drive west 1 mile, then south .75 miles, then west on Forest Road 169.
Spring Hill Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Mid Sept, 15 sites, max-length: 22', Go 11 miles west of Anaconda on Montana Highway 1.
Warm Springs Campground & Picnic Area: Late June - Mid Sept, 6 sites, max-length: 16', Off Montana Highway 1, 10.5 miles west of Anaconda. Turn and take Forest Road 170 another 2.5 miles.
Philipsburg/Georgetown Lake Area
Badger Bay Fishing Access: Mid May - Late Sept. 12.5 miles south of Philipsburg at Georgetown Lake off Montana Highway 1 on the Lakeshore Road.
Cable Mountain Campground: Late June - Mid Sept, 11 sites, max-length: 22'. 15.7 miles south of Philipsburg off the Discovery Basin Road, Forest Road 65. Adjacent to the North Fork of Flint Creek.
Comer's Point Fishing Access: Early May - Late Sept. 13 miles south of Philipsburg at Georgetown Lake on the Georgetown Lake Road.
Copper Creek Campground: Mid May - Late Sept, 7 sites, max-length: 22'. Off the Middle Fork Road (Forest Road 5106), 25.5 miles southwest of Philipsburg.
Crystal Creek Campground: Mid June - Late Sept, 3 sites, max-length: 16'. On the Skalkaho Highway (Montana Highway 38), 31 miles southwest of Philipsburg. Close to Mud Lake.
East Fork Campground & Picnic Area: Mid June - Late Sept, 7 sites, max-length: 22'. 17.5 miles southwest of Philipsburg off the East Fork Road (Forest Road 672.) Call Philipsburg Ranger District office to reserve the area.
Flint Creek Campground: Early May - Late Sept, 16 sites, max-length: 22'. Off Montana Highway 1, 8 miles south of Philipsburg.
Lodgepole Campground: Late May - Late Sept, 31 sites, max-length: 32'. On Montana Highway 1, 10.75 miles south of Philipsburg at Georgetown Lake.
Philipsburg Bay Campground: Mid May - Late Sept, 69 sites, max-length: 32'. Off the Georgetown Lake Road, 11 miles south of Philipsburg at Georgetown Lake.
Piney Campground & Picnic Area: Mid May - Mid Sept, 48 sites, max-length: 32'. At Georgetown Lake, 13 miles south of Philipsburg off Montana Highway 1 on the Georgetown Lake Road.
Red Bridge Fishing Access: Early May - Late Sept. Off Montana Highway 1, 10 miles south of Philipsburg.
Spillway Campground: Late May - Late Sept, 13 sites, max-length: 22'. 18 miles southwest of Philipsburg off the East Fork Road (Forest Road 672.)
Stony Campground: Mid May - Late Sept, 10 sites, max-length: 32'. Off the Rock Creek Road (Forest Road 102), 19 miles west of Philipsburg.
Sunnyside Fishing Access: Mid May - Late Sept. Off Montana Highway 1 on the Lakeshore Road, 13 miles south of Philipsburg at Georgetown Lake.
Whitehall/Boulder Area
Basin Canyon Campground & Picnic Area: Memorial Day - Mid Sept, 2 sites, max-length: 16'. Off Interstate 15, 5 miles north of Basin. Take Forest Road 1723 for 3 miles.
Delmoe Lake Campground & Picnic Area: Memorial Day - Mid Sept, 25 sites, max-length: 32'. Off Interstate 90 17 miles northeast of Butte. Take the Homestake exit, then follow Forest Road 222 for another 10 miles.
Pigeon Creek Campground: Memorial Day - Mid Sept, 6 sites. Go 15 miles west of Whitehall off Montana Highway 2, then take Forest Road 668 for another 5 miles. Road is not suitable for trailer traffic.
Toll Mountain Campground & Picnic Area: First of May - Mid Sept, 5 sites, max-length: 22'. Go 15 miles west of Whitehall off Montana Highway 2, then take Forest Road 240 for another 3 miles.