Blackwater Hutton Unit

The Blackwater Hutton Unit is comprised of more than 7,500 acres of Blackwater River State Forest about 5 miles east of Milton, north of Highway 90. The northern boundary of the unit is against Indian Ford Road. The unit area is mostly open pine flatwoods managed to improve habitat for bobwhite quail, wild turkey, white-tailed deer and other non-game species. Hunting and fishing in the area are allowed but hunting is strictly regulated. What you'll find here: feral hogs, white-tailed deer, bobcat, wild turkey, otter, beaver, raccoon, coyote, armadillo, opossum, skunk, nutria and other small game. Fishing and frogging are allowed all year round. Camping is allowed only in designated campsites.
Paddling, hiking, biking and wildlife viewing are also allowed on the Unit. A section of the Florida National Scenic Trail winds its way across the Blackwater Hutton Unit and is open to hikers year round. The Unit is also a stop on the Great Florida Birding Trail.
The road gates are open to the general public from May 1 to October 1. The rest of the year only permitted vehicles are allowed on the property. Camping is allowed only at designated campsites.

Map courtesy of Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission